Rosendahl Design Group A/S Annual Report 2023 • Management’s Review Our Responsibility Strategy OUR RESPONSIBILITY REACHES TO EVERY AREA OF OUR BUSINESS Based on our social ambition, we have charted a strategy for our responsibility efforts. The wheel illustrates a 360-degree view on the efforts covered by the responsibility area in Rosendahl Design Group, influencing the different stakeholders around and in the company. We are responsible for our employees, and together we take responsibility for our engagement with customers, partners, local community, and the environment. The structure of the strategy is built upon, and closely linked to, the B Corp framework. ETHICAL BUSINESS (Governance) VALUE-CREATING WORKPLACE (Employees) RESPONSIBLE INNOVATOR (Customers) Social ambition We bring Danish design traditions responsibly into the future ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS BUSINESS (Environment) ENGAGED PARTNER (Community) FIGURE 1 RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGY FRAMEWORK 10
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